The Azerbaijan American Music Foundation (AAMF) announces a call for contributions to the International Ethnomusicology Conference 2025, held in memory of Aida Huseynova. By utilizing a virtual format, AAMF aims to enhance global interest and participation among presenters. The conference welcomes ethnomusicologists, researchers, and graduate and postgraduate students from around the world. English will be the official language of the event.


This conference provides an opportunity for participants to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and spark interest in lesser-known research areas. The selection process for the Aida Huseynova Best-Paper Award at this conference is competitive. Four authors will have the opportunity to visit Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music in Chicago, present their papers, engage with faculty and students, and receive their awards. The date and time for the in-person visit and presentations will be announced later.



The conference aims to unite musicologists and researchers to share their experiences and findings related to the music of the Middle East, Asia, and particularly Azerbaijan. Aida Huseynova (1965 – 2022) was a prominent Azerbaijani musicologist. She taught in the Music in General Studies program at Indiana University Bloomington and served as an art consultant for Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble, the Mike Morris Dance Group, and other initiatives. Huseynova authored the comprehensive monograph “Music of Azerbaijan: From Mugham to Opera” available on here

The AAMF has initiated this conference to honor Aida Huseynova’s legacy and to encourage musicologists to explore the captivating music of Azerbaijan, examining its role and impact on global music.


                                AIDA HUSEYNOVA



The program committee, comprising renowned musicologists, will evaluate submissions and award monetary prizes and certificates of excellence from the Aida Huseynova Scholarship Fund. The complete papers of the winners will be published in the conference proceedings.


  • First Prize: USD 1200 and Certificate of Excellence
  • Second Prize: USD 800 and Certificate of Excellence
  • Third Prize: USD 500 and Certificate of Excellence
  • Honorary Mention: USD 200 and Certificate of Excellence



Friday, April 18, 2025: Abstract submissions

Friday, May 23, 2025: Notification to candidates whose abstracts are approved; they will be invited to present their complete papers at the virtual conference.

Tuesday, September 30, 2025: Submission of full research papers due by midnight EST and 5:00 AM GMT

Thursday, October 2, and Friday, October 3, 2025: Virtual conference; participants will receive a Zoom invitation. Time TBA

Friday, October 10, 2025: Announcement of award winners on AAMF’s website and social media.

Date to be Announced: Winners will have the opportunity to present in person at Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music in Chicago, where they will meet with faculty and students and receive their awards.



  • The exchange and interaction between Non-Western and Western Music in connection to Azerbaijani Mugham.
  • Mugham in the family of Middle Eastern Modal Improvisations: maqam, dastgah, raga, shashmaqam.
  • Mugham as a foundation of the Azerbaijani composing tradition.
  • Popular Music in Azerbaijan (or the Middle East).
  • Western Orientalism viewed from the East.
  • Music and Sufism.
  • Azerbaijan, Middle East, Music and Modernity.
  • Free Papers: Submissions of other research proposals and papers related to the conference theme will also be welcomed and considered.



Dr. Inna Naroditskaya, Chair 

Dr. Razia Sultanova, 

Dr. Anne K. Rasmussen, 

Dr. Drew Edward Davies

For additional read on Azerbaijan’s music, please consider checking out Dr. Inna Naroditskaya’s book titled Song from the Land of Fire: Azerbaijanian Mugam in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods (Current Research in Ethnomusicology), available here: 



  • Submit an electronic version of all materials, including abstracts and papers to [email protected], along with a brief bio sent in a separate document (maximum 50 words). In the bio, please include your name, country, affiliation, email address, and phone number.


  • Both the abstract and full research paper must include the following in the header: Title of the paper; Names of author(s); Affiliation


  • Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and include three to five keywords. Supplementary files (figures, musical examples, audio, or video) may be included. Large files can be shared via Google Drive.


  • Full research papers should be between 2500 and 3000 words, including notes and references.


  • Both the abstract and full research paper must be submitted as Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx), double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font. Single or one-and-a-half line spacing is not acceptable. Maintain 1.5-inch margins on all sides. PDF files are not accepted.


  • Figures (drawings, graphs, photographs, maps) and musical examples should be submitted in JPG, TIFF, or GIF formats, while tables must be in Microsoft Word format. Higher-resolution images may be requested upon acceptance for publication in the proceedings.


  • Authors must obtain written permission for any copyrighted material used, and provide a copy of these permissions with the initial submission. Acceptable video and audio formats include MP3 or MP4. Ensure permission is secured for any audio and video files included.


  • All illustrations, audio, and video recordings should be labeled and numbered consecutively, using the following labels: “Table” for tables, “Music Example” for musical examples, and “Figure” for all other content, including photographs and diagrams. Audio and video submissions should also be consecutively numbered (e.g., Audio Example 1, Video Example 1).


  • For writing guidelines, citations, and references, refer to the “Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.” (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017). References should be double-spaced at the end of the article, listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author (most recent first).


  • Abstracts and complete papers must be in English. If accepted for publication, authors are encouraged to provide a copy of their abstract in the languages of the cultural informants consulted, allowing non-English readers to understand the article’s content. 


For questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]